
Romain A., Broihanne M.-H. De Marco A., Ngoubangoye B., Call J., Rebout N & Dufour V. Non-human primates use combined rules when deciding under ambiguity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, in press.

Benkada, A. M., Pontier, F., & Dufour, V. (2020). Conflict management in rooks (Corvus frugilegus): Victims do not display post-conflict affiliation but avoid their former aggressor. Behavioural Processes, 104198.

Danel S., Troina G., Dufour V., Bailly-Bechet M., von Bayern A. M. & Osiurak, F. (2020). Social learning in great white pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus): A preliminary study. Learning & Behavior, 1-7.

Morales Picard A. et al. (2020). Why preen others? Predictors of allopreening in parrots and corvids and comparisons to grooming in great apes. Ethology, 126, 207-228.

Dufour V., Broihanne M.H. & Wascher C.A.F. (2020). Corvids avoid odd evaluation by following simple rules in a risky exchange task. Ethology, 126, 153-164. DOI:10.1111/eth.12994

Wascher C.A.F, Feider B, Bugnyar T. & Dufour V. (2020). Crows and common ravens do not reciprocally exchange tokens with a conspecific to gain food rewards. Ethology, 126, 278-287. DOI:10.1111/eth.12970

Benti B., Curé C. & Dufour V. (2019). Individual signature in the most common and context-independent call of the Rook (Corvus frugilegus), Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 131, 373-381.

Broihanne M.-H., Romain A., Call J., Thierry B., Wascher C.A.F., De Marco A., Verrier D. & Dufour V. (2019). Monkeys (Sapajus apella and Macaca tonkeana) and great apes (Gorilla gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus, Pan paniscus and Pan troglodytes) play for the highest bid. Journal of comparative psychology. 133, 301-312. 10.1037/com0000153 

Broihanne M.H. & Dufour V (2018). Risk-Taking in children and primates in a comparable food gambling game. Advances in Psychology Research, vol. 134.  ISBN: 978-1-53613-948-8v

Dufour V. (2018). Prise de décision et neuroéconomie. In, Cognition animale – Systèmes sensoriels, perception de l’environnement et bien-être animal. Darmaillacq S. & Dickel L. (Eds). Dunod.

Dufour V. (2018). Résolution de problème. In, Cognition animale – Systèmes sensoriels, perception de l’environnement et bien-être animal. Darmaillacq S. & Dickel L. (Eds). Dunod.

Boucherie P., Poulin N. & Dufour V. (2018). Not much ado about something: behavioural mechanisms of pair bond separation and formation in long-term pairing rooks. Écoscience, 25 (1), 71-83.

Dufour V. (2018). Cognition (primate), including theory of mind in The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, Wenda Trevathan (ed.). John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Dufour V., Pasquaretta C., Gayet P. & Sterck L. (2017). The extraordinary nature of Barney’s drumming: a complementary study of ordinary noise making in chimpanzees. Frontiers in neuroscience, 11, 2.

Boucherie P. H., Sosa S., Pasquaretta C. & Dufour, V. (2016). A longitudinal network analysis of social dynamics in rooks (Corvus frugilegus): repeated group modifications do not affect social network in captive rooks. Current Zoology, 63: 379-388. 10.1093/cz/zow083

Boucherie P., Mariette M., Bret C. & Dufour V. (2016). Bonding beyond the pair in a monogamous bird: impact on social structure in adult rooks (Corvus frugilegus). Behaviour, 153: 897-925.

Dufour V. (2016). Theory of Mind. In International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Fuentes, A. (ed.), Wiley-Blackwell, New Jersey.

Dufour V., Poulin N., Curé C. & Sterck E.H.M. (2015). Chimpanzee drumming, a spontaneous performance with characteristics of human musical drumming. Scientific reports, 5, 1132. 10.1038/srep11320 10.1038/srep11320

Petit O., Dufour V., Herrenschmidt M., De Marco A., Sterck E.H.M. & Call J. (2015). Inference about food location in three cercopithecine species: an insight into the socio-ecological cognition of primates. Animal cognition, 18: 821-830.

Bourjade M., Call J., Pelé M., Maumy, M & Dufour V. (2014). Bonobos and orang-utans, but not chimpanzees, flexibly plan for the future in a token exchange task. Animal Cognition, 17: 1329-1340.

Pelé M., BroihanneM.H., Thierry B., Call J. & Dufour V. (2014). To bet or not to bet? Decision-making under risk in non-human primates. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 49: 141-166.

Steelandt S., Broihanne M.H., Romain A., Thierry B. & Dufour V. (2013). Decision-making under risk of loss in children. PLoS One, 8: e52316.

Wascher C.A.F., Dufour V. & Bugnyar T. (2012). Carrion crows cannot overcome impulsive choice in a quantitative exchange task. Frontiers in Psychology, 3: 118. 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00118

Steelandt S., Dufour V., Broihanne M.H. & Thierry B. (2012). Children base their investment on calculated pay-off. PLoS One, 7 (3): e33239.

Bourjade M., Thierry B., Call J. & Dufour V. (2012). Are monkeys able to plan for future exchange? Animal Cognition, 15 (5): 783-795.

Dufour V., Wascher C.A.F., Braun A., Miller R. & Bugnyar T. (2012). Corvids can decide if a future reward is worth waiting for. Biology Letters, 8 (2): 201-204.

Steelandt S., Thierry B., Broihanne M.H. & Dufour V. (2011). The ability of children to delay gratification in an exchange task, Cognition, 122: 416-425.

Leonardi R., Vick S.J. & Dufour V. (2011). Waiting for more: The performance of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) on exchange tasks. Animal Cognition, 15: 107-120.

Dekleva M., Dufour V., de Vries H., Spruijt B.M., Sterck E.H.M. (2011).  Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) fail a what-where-when task but find rewards by means of a location-based association strategy, PloS ONE 6(2): e16593.

Dufour V., Sueur C., Whiten A. & Buchanan-Smith H.M. (2011). The impact of moving to a novel environment on social networks, activity and wellbeing in two new world primates. American journal of Primatology, 73: 1-10. 10.1002/ajp.20943

Steelandt S., Dufour V., Broihanne M.H. & Thierry B. (2011). Can monkey make investments based on calculated pay-off. PlosONe, 6(3): e17801.

Dufour V. & Petit O. (2010). Recognition of monkey faces by monkey experts. Journal of Ethology, 28: 231-238.

Pelé M., Dufour V., Micheletta J. & Thierry B. (2010). Long-tailed macaques display unexpected waiting abilities in an exchange task. Animal Cognition, 13: 263-271.

Pelé M., Micheletta J., Uhlrich P., Thierry B. & Dufour V. (2010) Delay Maintenance in Tonkean Macaques and Brown Capuchin Monkeys. International Journal of Primatology, 32: 149-166.

Dufour V. (2010). Physical cognition and reasoning in animals. In Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience. Koob G.F., Thompson R.F. & Le Moal M. (eds.), Elsevier, Oxford.

Pelé M., Thierry B., Call J. & Dufour V. (2010). Monkeys fail to reciprocate in an exchange task. Animal Cognition, 13: 745-751.

Leonardi R., Buchanan-Smith H.M., Dufour V., MacDonald C. & Whiten A. (2009). Living Together: Behaviour and welfare in single and mixed species groups of capuchin (Cebus apella) and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), American Journal of Primatology, 72: 33-47. 10.1002/ajp.20748

Dufour V., Pelé M., Neumann M., Thierry B. & Call J. (2009). Calculated reciprocity after all: computation behind token transfers in orang-utans. Biology Letters, 5: 172-175.

Pelé M., Dufour V., Thierry B. & Call J. (2009).Token transfers among great apes: species differences, gestural requests and reciprocal exchange. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 123: 375-384.

Dufour V. & Sterck E.H.M. (2008). Chimpanzees fail to plan in an exchange task but succeed in a tool-using procedure. Behavioral Processes, 79: 19-27. 10.1016/j.beproc.2008.04.003

Sterck E.H.M. & Dufour V. (2007). First test then judge planning capacities in primates. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30: 333.

Dufour V., Pelé M., Sterck E.H.M. & Thierry B. (2007). Chimpanzee anticipation of food return: coping with waiting time in an exchange task. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 121: 145-155. 10.1037/0735-7036.121.2.145

Dufour V., Pascalis O. & Petit O. (2006). Species-specific Face recognition in primates, a comparative study in Brown Capuchin monkeys, Tonkean macaques and Human. Behavioral Processes. 73: 107-113. 10.1016/j.beproc.2006.04.006

Ramseyer A., Pelé M., Dufour V., Chauvin C. & Thierry B. (2006). Accepting loss: the temporal limits of reciprocity in brown capuchin monkeys. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 273: 179-184.

Drapier M., Chauvin C., Dufour V., Uhlrich P. & Thierry B. (2005). Food exchange with humans in brown capuchin monkeys. Primates, 46: 241-248.

Dufour V., Coleman M., Campbell R., Petit O. & Pascalis O. (2004). On the species-specificity of face recognition in human adults. Current Psychology of Cognition, 22: 315-333.

Dufour V. & Pascalis O. (2002). About ontogeny of face recognition in primates: what similarities between human and non-human primates? Primatologie, 5: 3-29.